Subject: Enforcement and Oversight
From: Mark Nauman

Oct. 25, 2022


I am a simple man and lead a simple life.  As a reward for running a successful business, I pay a boatload of taxes every year.  In return for my significant contributions to government coffers, what do I receive?  Corrupt politicians who use their insider knowledge for financial gain, often at the expense of the public.  Powerful banks and financial institutions who abuse self regulation and loopholes in order to maximize their profits.  The abuse of self regulation, insider trading, market manipulation, dark pool trading, highly leveraged speculation, and naked short selling are corroding the base of our society and further degrading the relationship between the wealthy elite and normal people.  Fines for these abuses should at least exceed profits made but seem to be a fraction of net proceeds.  

My expectation as a taxpayer is that government agencies should be true to their mission and not allow political or financial influence to demean their end goal.  Hold corrupt insider trading politicians accountable and prosecute them.  Hold banks, hedge funds, and market makers accountable and prosecute them.  Enforce the rules intended to protect the masses from the oligarchy that our country has become.  Please do not sit idly by while those in power continue to abuse the system.  We are rapidly losing confidence in our "leaders", in our government, and in our financial markets.