Subject: Comment on S7-08-22 Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers
From: Terry Cosley

Oct. 26, 2022

I realize that a “copy/paste” of another person’s work is not ideal.  However, I contend that this letter has my full faith and support of the ideas contained within.
Abusive short practices by large and powerful institutions is in direct violation of common sense and ethics.  This practice must stop.  To buy and sell shares that you do NOT OWN, selling “title or pink slips” for goods or services never rendered is fraud and theft.  The claim for added “liquidity” to help retail is a farce and I am offended by the assertion.  Let the market of supply and demand set clear and accurate pricing for all stocks.  The trading of stocks in Dark Pools benefits only those in power and allows back room deals to falsely suppress pricing.  It is a sham and the practice needs to stop and any violations should be met with fines greater than the profits earned by such activities and a minimum of 1 year hard time SERVED by the decision makers.  No allowance for a “fall man/woman” should be allowed.  The Executives must be held responsible for the trading practices of their agents and all should go to jail.
Thank you,
Terry Cosley

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