Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-08-22 Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers
From: Hammond Meuer

Oct. 25, 2022


I'd like to weigh in on the continued efforts by the SEC to improve transparency and fairness to the retail investor.  Since the age of 12, I've considered myself a retail investor, however over the past 2 years, like many who have also submitted comments, at the age of 47, I've become pessimistic and less-confident of our alleged "free markets." 

Especially since COVID, I have not only taken a more active interest in our stock markets, but also in educating my 2 children on companies and how to invest in industries and companies.  Since then and like many, I've become dejected and skeptical of the alleged manipulation, the lack of transparency, and how the average retail investor is consistently overmatched by wealthy institutions who will make every effort to minimize this very same transparency the SEC is attempting to improve.  Understanding the systemic lack of funding resources or any other short-coming the SEC has historically encountered, I side with We the Investor (WTI) and speak out as an American investor.  Our free market system must set the standard of fiscal transparency throughout the global markets.  We clearly have work to do as the past, present AND future confidence of retail investors in our markets is at stake. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Hammond Meuer (Meyer)