Subject: File Number S7-08-22
From: Jonathan Carrasco

Oct. 20, 2022


To whom it may concern, 
I hope this email finds you in good faith, I am writing in favor of the proposed rule. 
For too long the corruption of the supposed free market has robbed retail investors of hard earned money, jobs, & retirement funds. The blatant one sided affairs that take place in this market can only be seen as absurd in a country where freedom & equality reign. The fact that the overwhelming majority of trades happen on dark pools, the abuse of shorting stocks that was uncovered with the GME uprise should warrant enough evidence for the SEC to make bold and decisive actions to garner faith in retail, who have been beaten down repeatedly due to unfair market practices. A failure to take action would only further harm the dwindling faith remaining in retail investors and the backlash of retail losing faith in the market & in the belief that investing is a solid way to wealth, could have repercussions that reverberate for years to come in an already flailing market. 
Thank you for your time, Jon 

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