Subject: File No. S7-08-22 No. 34-94312 and 34-94314
From: Jeff Shore

Oct. 19, 2022



I support increase transparency for short reporting.  Millions have lost faith in our markets due to the lack of transparency and blatant dark pool abuse and  
naked short selling.  Before I began investing heavily this year, I always thought that our markets were the least corrupt and truly reflected supply and demand  
of the stocks.  The reality could not be further from the truth.  The US markets are rigged to maintain status quo.  The rules are modified or appended to benefit 
the large Hedge Funds and Market Makers.   What has happened with the AMC stock is an absolute disgrace.  One Hundered percent utilization for more than a  
year and over 60% daily dark pool.  This is not indicative of an environment that protects retail.  The rules are meant to protect naked short sellers.  The US  
markets are not free and fair. 


Jeff Shore