Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-08-22 Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers
From: Kyle Zodrow

Oct. 19, 2022


Good afternoon, 

Over the last 5 years, I have been more involved in our free and fair markets. I believe that planning ahead for myself and my family’s future is THE most important goal that I work towards each and every day. 

Lately, I have been highly aware of how important it is to understand how our markets work so that I can invest my hard earned money properly. The more information that is made available to the public about institutional investors, the greater chance I and many others have at evaluating which investments make good sense. 

This leads to my full support for this rule 13f-2: S7-08-22 which will promote transparency for retail investors. This proposed rule will require institutional investors to be held to a higher standard than what they are currently. Ultimately, one step closer to holding institutional investors to a higher standard on reporting their activity which is vital to accountability. Without the utmost degree of accountability, how can anyone be certain that we are all playing by the same rules? 

We the investors demand transparency. 

Thank you for your time. 


Kyle Zodrow 
