Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-08-22 Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers
From: Daniel Pope

Oct. 19, 2022

Good morning, as a retail investor, I would like to express my opinion on this matter. Institutions should have to disclose all short positions accordingly, and follow all reporting guidelines without fail. No more slaps on the wrist for these infractions, when the dollar amount or profit received by said institutions vastly outweighs the fine, it’s basically just the cost of doing (crooked) business. That’s no business I want to be a part of. When individuals break the rules as we just witnessed with Kim Kardashian, the SEC swiftly charged her and fined her much more than what she was paid for her infraction. Why are the big players allowed to sign waiver’s agreeing to minuscule fines and no admission of wrongdoing, then simply allowed to continue with daily operations? 

Thank you, Daniel Pope