Subject: S7-08-22
From: Brian Smith

Oct. 18, 2022

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Dear SEC, 

I support rule S7-08-22 while also advocating for strengthening it further. Short positions should be disclosed in full. Not only should "Buy to Cover" be disclosed but so should "Buy to Close". Most importantly, derivatives should be calculated for short positions to make this rule truly effective. The opacity of the markets hurts retail investors and is leading to a decaying faith in the markets which will lead to money migrating elsewhere, decaying the strength of the US dollar, the economy, and the strength of the nation. Furthermore rampant shorting devaluing American companies is an affront to free and fair markets. Also abusive use of derivatives led to the 2008 financial crisis where taxpayers footed the bill of financial institutions degenerate gambling. A second occurence of this would damage our markets irreparably and show the SEC to be even more weak and inept than already perceived. Please protect the integrity of the markets. 
