Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Alex Hanson-Michelson
From: Alex Hanson-Michelson

Oct. 18, 2022

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

 "apiVersion": 1.0,
 "commentMetadata": {
" October 18, 2022

 Reporting of short positions and short activity is absolutely crucial in order to regulate and combat fraudulent behavior.
 "commenterInfo": {
                "lastName": "Alex Hanson-Michelson",
                 "affiliation": "",
                "commenterAddress": {
                                "streetAddress": "211 Ash St E",
                                 "city": "Annandale",
                                 "state": "",
                                  "zip": "55302-3148",
                                 "country": "United States"
                "email": "",
                 "phone": "612-205-6065"
 "submitterInfo": {
                 "isThirdParty": "false",
                 "submitterName": "",
                 "submitterOrganization": "",
                 "isAffiliated": "true",
                 "affiliationName": ""
"rulingInfo": {
                 "fileNumber": "S7-08-22",
                  "ruling": "s70822",
                  "rulePath": "/comments/s7-08-22",
                 "title": "Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers Notice of Proposed Amendments to the National Market System Plan Governing the Consolidated Audit Trail for Purposes of Short Sale-related Data Collection"
"commentDate": "October 18, 2022",
 "htmlFilename": "s70822-nnnn.htm",
"uploadFilename": []
