Subject: Comment Letter for File Number S7-08-22 Short Position and Short Activity Reporting by Institutional Investment Managers
From: Pete

Oct. 18, 2022

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As a retail investor, I request radical changes to bring transparency to the stock market. 
Short selling has become more than just a functional balancing tactic within the markets you regulate and has morphed into a criminal activity with regulation so loose that nefarious actors (ie market makers) can bend trades and order flow to their will for the purpose of maximizing gains and limiting their losses.  
I, and countless other retail investors will determine our future participation within your markets based on the decisions coming from this filing. We are tired of murky regulation, naked short selling and countless other practices, many of which are illegal but come with tiny fines that just act as costs of business. We are tired of front running, we are tired of the games, and we are tired of PFOF which absolutely is not retail’s friend. I, and I speak for most other retail investors who are familiar with the con of PFOF would much prefer to pay broker fees on trades than be faced with the implications of “free” trades facilitated by PFOF.