Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Bryan Hadley (Profanity Flag)
From: Bryan Hadley

Oct. 17, 2022

October 17, 2022

 Please stop sitting idly by as hedge funds and their associated sleaze manipulate stocks via naked shorting, dark pools, NFTs, and all other manners of criminality and underhandedness.

Retail traders are wising up at an exponential rate. And more and more of us are aware of the incestuous interplay of job swapping between market regulators and those theyre supposed to regulate. How many people at the SEC used to work on Wall Street, and vice versa? Stop sitting on your hands while the hedge funds chisel wealth off of any entity or people they can hold down long enough to screw.

Despite the golden parachutes no doubt awaiting many of you on Wall Street, for dutifully looking the other way, most of you have more in common with us than them.

The SEC has become an animal that reads The Grapes of Wrath and pulls for the bankers and against the Joads.

What kind of fundaments do that?