Subject: 13f-2, to provide disclosure and transparency
From: Marty Robertson

Oct. 17, 2022


Hello, changes need to be made in our Country and our Markets in general. Why has our Country become so crooked and white collar criminal behavior allowed? Our Government likes to point out other Country’s criminal behavior but allow it to go on in the USA. The hard working People of this Country are tired of being cheated. We don’t pay off Officials so we are abused by the system. All we ask is that you make changes so the Market is fair to all, not just the Rick and insiders. How can Officials like Pelosi be allowed to lie to the Public. When asked about her Husbands insider trading, you our right lied and said he does not. We the People have dug deep into all of this and we know what’s going on. It has gotten to where we don’t even like to vote, because you are trying to find the lesser of the evils to vote for. Until we see honest change, we cannot trust the SECC, DOJ and all other branches of our Government. Unless someone honest puts themselves in our Shoes, they will never see the light. Please start making out Country a honest and just place to live.
“Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.”
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
“A smart man only believes half of what he hears; a wise man knows which half.”
“Socialism is like a Mouse Trap. It works because the Mouse doesn't understand why the Cheese is free”
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Marty Robertson