Subject: S7-08-22: WebForm Comments from Anonymous Penguin
From: Anonymous Penguin

Oct. 07, 2022

October 7, 2022

 In the introduction section of this proposed rule, you state that short selling 'may be used to drive down the price of a security, to accelerate a declining market in a security, or to manipulate stock prices'.

If short sales can be used to manipulate stock prices, why does the regulating body not have complete information on short sales so that they can punish those who use shorts nefariously?

Any increase in reporting requirements can only improve regulators' efficiency in upholding the integrity of the markets. There is no reason why the regulating bodies should not have complete information on the happenings in the markets. Any opaqueness only serves to benefit those who are abusing the system, and increased transparency is one of the only ways to bolster trust in the system.

Considering how many financial institutions recklessly short sale securities and dodge reporting requirements by using loopholes, in combination with the systemic risk abusive short selling brings to the markets, it is very welcoming to see that the SEC is willing to provide greater transparency for everyone with this proposal.

He who sells what isnt hisnt, must buy it back or go to prison

Thank you for working to repair our markets