Subject: File Number S7-08-22
From: Market Zenith

Apr. 25, 2022

At this point the SEC should be looking to salvage what legitimacy there still exists in the securities markets and stop acting so obtusely. There is absolutely no reason why short positions should remain hidden in any way, the whole concept is laughable. The only thing being protected by such privileges is the fraudlent profits of market manipulators, under the absurd logic that they "deserve" this competitive edge. 

Reporting requirements should be immediate, without omissions. Failure to provide this information is functionally indistinguishable from market manipulation as it is the overt dilution of shares, without any real oversight, in order to cause volatility towards the downside. There is no rationale for believing that short positions will be closed out without insight, as the overwhelming amount of fraud in the American securities markets makes patently clear. This leaves a significant potential for fraudlent positions to exist in perpetuity with the assistance of the "plumbing", as your chairman calls the cabal of clearing and market infrastructure companies. 

At the end of the day, one has to acknowledge that the American financial markets are dominated by criminal organizations who aim to manipulate markets, bankrupt otherwise healthy companies, and fleece shareholders, consumers, and the government. As such, combating this fraud is the only viable starting point at which a legitimate exchange regulator can begin. Therefore the SEC must take a maximalist stance on reporting requirements.