Subject: S7-08-22
From: Earle Watson

Mar. 25, 2022

Hello and thank you for the opportunity to be able to submit a comment. Without wasting any time I'll get straight to it. This proposal of publication of short sale related data is long overdue! It is another unfair advantage in the current times towards retail, considering how highspeed and algorithmic trading has evolved. It is time to shorten the current time frame because the hedge funds and institutions have pillaged enough and their greed is insatiable. Why are these entities given such an advantage to make money over the people that truly fund the market? These entities don't produce anything and they really don't truly labor for the billions upon billions that they take from the working class that only has dreams of a better life. Look at just the past decade alone at the share of U.S aggregate income and the middle class has only fallen further while the upper class has continued to rise. Highspeed trading has only caused these entities profits to further soar and I consider denying this proposal to fall in a category as a crime against humanity. 

I also feel that approving this proposal is a matter of National Security and here is why I say this; since 2020 there has been a great awakening among the citizens to the nefarious tactics of WallStreet to manipulate the market. Whether it be PFOF or routing huge quantities of orders to dark pools instead of the lit market, the citizens have now become aware after years of these practices taking place. Even though legally allowed, these practices are viewed as cheating and dishonest gains. By not approving this proposal and reigning in the recklessness brought about from greed within these entities, I fear a revolution could be at hand. In 2008 the taxpayers bailed out WallStreet and they are continuing to behave as if they are too big to fail. It is only a matter of time before they do if you do not continue to impose rules that give you oversight into just how over-leveraged these entities may be. Not approving this proposal will surely lead us to a future collapse and uprising because WallStreet cannot self-regulate themselves responsibly. 

Earle Watson