Subject: S7-08-22
From: Jared Isaac

Mar. 14, 2022

It is clear we are at an inflection point. Institutions have been getting away with crime for decades. We know it. Everybody knows it at this point. I mean Gary Gensler even said on Jon Stewart, “I think the American people get that the system isn’t working for them”

The head of what’s supposed to he a regulatory body protecting the retail investors. But I don’t even blame the SEC. from the little I’ve learned, it seems like you all don’t have the tools or the teeth to fight.

Maybe we can help. We cannot have entities regulating themselves. We cannot have dark pools, or short sales over 100%. These things are all obvious. We were raised on the notion of a free and fair market.

It is not one.

It will be, whether the SEC is part of it or not.

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