Subject: FILE NO. S7-08-22

Mar. 14, 2022


Greetings SEC, 

I support this proposal since it means more transparency regarding short sales.  It has become overwhelmingly apparent in the last couple of years that short sellers and their allies have many nefarious tools to hide/manipulate their transactions which usually have negative consequences for retail investors and honest American businesses.  During the rise in popularity of "meme" stocks, retail investors and hard working Americans have learned that large financial institutions with the help from the media and brokerages have had an unfair advantage over retail investors.  Some might go as far as calling it an illegal advantage.  Shedding some light into the transactions of short sellers would be very supportive for retail investors and would help to level the playing field.  Large institutions/hedge funds have achieved an unfair advantage for a very long time and it is doubtful that enacting this proposal would cure the lack of trust in the stock market from retail investors...but it's a start.  Admittedly I'm not educated in finance nor market structure, but it seems like a lot of the issues with the markets could be solved with common sense, yet regulators and Congress seem to be on the side of the scammers.  If a novice like myself can see the problems currently with short sellers, then it's safe to assume the problem is rampant.  That's why enacting common sense proposals like this one would be welcomed.  

Thank you for accepting my comment and thank you for your time. 


Jonathan Patterson