Subject: FILE NO. S7-08-22
From: Mike Soltys

Feb. 25, 2022

I fully support this new rule / addition to the exchange act. I also encourage the SEC to continue hammering down on the bad practices of short sellers, and to also widen the net they are using to catch bad actors.  

Having accurate (not naked /counterfeit shares) short sale related data in the hands of retail would have drastically changed the meme-stock events of early 2021 and perhaps could prevent more financial issues yet to come.  

Bad actors are presently using the ambiguities and loopholes of the financial system to do incomprehensible harm to businesses all across the US let alone the World. 

We must put an end to naked short selling, death spiral financing, FTD's, ambiguous position marking (longs as shorts, vice versa), and countless other mechanisms of exploitation that are not only going completely unchecked - but even when punished the fines are minimal and crime continues.  

So few people have the knowledge let alone tools to go after these criminals which is why we depend on the SEC to try to bring as much transparency to the markets as possible. 

Ask yourself if the public believes you are doing your job successfully. 

Providing greater transparency to retail is the best way to encourage continued investing within the markets from the general public -especially during troubling international moments. 

The more information available to the retail investor the better the market can operate transparently which is how it must be. We cannot and will not endure another financial crisis of 2008, let alone without accountable parties.