Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Michael Jabbra

Sep. 25, 2023

I really don't think the SEC needs this kind of tracking power, absent a court order to fork over the given information about an investor. I don't want my personal data shared with thousands of contractors and outside personnel just because somebody somewhere might be doing something shady. The SEC should heed the words of Hester Peirce: With respect to liberty, I plead with my fellow Americans to care about your financial privacy. Why should the government, without any indication of wrongdoing on your part, follow you around the securities markets to monitor every order you place and every trade you make? With respect to security, I plead with my fellow regulators to rethink the wisdom of creating a massive database of information that hackers may try to exploit for their nefarious ends. Given these concerns, my preference would be to see the project placed in the SEC’s catacombs—dead and buried forever. In other words, don't do this. 
Sincerely, Michael Jabbra