Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Justin Barrett
Affiliation: Information Technology

April 26, 2022

While this rule is a baby step on the right direction, it does nothing to address several factors in financial conglomerate short sale strategies. It gives too much time for short sellers to tactically missing for short sales that may fail to deliver. It does not address short and distort strategies that regularly tie in media organizations. And it does not address how a retail investor who is led to believe by their financial institution is being led to believe that they can \"make money\" by lending their shares to institutions who turn around and use those shares as Locates to finish the underlying value of their investment.

This rule should be re-written to disallow short sales altogether. The technology exists to match orders and properly price a security during an imbalance in real time. The only valid reason to allow 1 month reporting periods is to allow financial institutions enough time to recover if a short strategy fails. I lived through dot com, 2008, and whatever the hell history will call The disaster of 2022. You don't have a lot of time to reestablish faith in the system. Rewrite this rule to abolish shorts and implement instant trade settlement or enjoy the fireworks of the American Economy melting around you.