Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Anders Hellum-Alexander
Affiliation: Software

April 20, 2022

The fact that short activity isn't reported daily puts retail investors who are long on a stock in a disadvantageous position against large financial entities that have more tools to short a stock than retail traders. I support monthly updates, and I support weekly and daily updates. If the disclosure is only monthly then a short trader can hide a whole host of short trading activity from retail investors who hold long positions until after the series of actions are complete which the holder of long positions should be made aware of daily. Even at monthly reporting the short sellers have a clear advantage over long positions, but I still support this proposed rule and all the new reporting requirements involved. After passing this rule I would like the SEC to propose more rules on short selling disclosure to return short selling to truly be a tool for price discovery instead of how its being used now to defraud retail investors that hold long positions.
Short positions are supposed to help with price discovery, but short activity is clearly being used to reduce stock prices artificially to bring profit to the short position based on market structure rather than asset fundamentals, in other words \"fraud\" and \"stealing.\" Hedge funds that take large short positions are clearly not helping price discovery, instead they are clearly creating profit by manipulating stock price which specifically defrauds long holders and specifically retail investors. Under the current system short positions are being used to transfer money from retail to institutional investors in a systematic way that makes the stock market worse than a casino. Also, you the SEC, you know all this, its ridiculous that you pretend that you don't know what is happening and how large financial actors are using financial markets to steal from retail investors. DO YOUR JOB