Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Corey Steffy

March 25, 2022

Pease enact this rule to help the everyday retail investor. Im a year long investor and have witnessed this greed, corruption, and manipulation within the stock market every single day. It is truly sickening to realize that everyday retail traders dont have a shot in this giant ponzi scheme that is labeled a free and fair market. Ive spent countless hours on research and follow some very smart people that know whats actually going on in our economy such as market makers holding Chinese junk bond collateral, naked/synthetic shares, PFOF and countless other ways that market makers are stealing from retail investors. We are headed for a market and housing crash that will make 2008 look like a blip, and its the same bad actors that are causing it. When will they face justice and not get bailed out by taxpayers even after they steal our money to fund this market crash. I will never forget January 2021. I kindly ask you to please consider this rule and many others that will at least give retail a fighting chance.