Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Treys Spit

March 25, 2022

The market needs more transparency of short sales. I can't seem to figure out why this is something so hidden from the public, if something was hidden from you wouldn't you think it to be nefarious? We/retail are begging for just a more fare shot at understanding where the short shares 1. are coming from what rate are they being borrowed at 3. who is the broker responsible to have the shores on loan?
We continually hear how healthy short selling is into the market and are continually told it is all self-reported data. Retail has come to understand it is the most predatory action in the market along with the least transparent. Most recently BCG having board members on gamestop board while the company was in decline, in which also have a heavy % of employee's at the market maker Citadel.
I don't think retail is asking for anything unfair when we are just asking to be able to have access to see where the shares come from, and who has the position. Elon Musk has said it best \"You can't sell a home you don't own, you can't sell a car you don't own. Why can you sell a stock you don't own?\"
Make it make sense for us Gary, we believe you are here to help us. Help us.