Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Regina Murrell
Affiliation: NOYB

March 25, 2022

As a retail investor who lost almost everything in 2008 and then got to bail out the banks with money I didn't have, I know a thing or 2 about predatory short selling. Short positions need to be reported on a daily basis and there is absolutely no excuse for this not to be a reality. If algorithm trading is allowable then there is no reason that technology should not be utilized to report the shorts. The SEC, DOJ, and congress are running out of time to make the stock market a fair place for investors. The people are getting angry and I for one will not be going away quietly.
There are millions of others just like me. I would really consider making the market a fair place within the year because the people that are quote, too big to fail unquote, are failing the entire planet right now. I really shouldn't have to say this, but DO YOUR JOB I'm really not interested in paying your salaries with my tax dollars any further until retail investor's interest are actually represented by the SEC.