Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Michelle Bracke
Affiliation: Retail Investor

March 25, 2022

I'm happy to support rules and regulations on short selling. Yes, it does have a time and a purpose, but saying that this mess with the \"meme\" stocks that the brokers, banks, money makers, institutions etc have gotten themselves into is of their own volition. Personally, I would love to see a three strick and your done rule. Strike 1 All of the profits go to the government. Strike 2 A 40% of all business booked by the firm as a fine and Strike 3 Individuals pay fines, go to prison and the firm shut for good... no reopening in another name and the individuals involved can never work in the financial realm again.
It's a crime to me that good companies were shorted into oblivion for their gain... i.e. Toy'sRUs etc.