Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: David Penn
Affiliation: Hockey Coach

March 25, 2022

Im back. Outside of my job as a data scientist. I am also a volunteer hockey coach.

I am submitting comments on behalf of this rule to increase transparency around short sales.

I have only recently started paying attention to this stuff. It is complex and designed to be so. Thats understandable. Yall like money so much might as well make sure the system helps ya out.

Here is the part that you all dont see. I have watched over 5 different hockey rinks close in my local community within the last 2 years. In all cases the buildings that operated rinks were bought out by large institutions. What was a fun area for the community to come together is now a vacant piece of collateral.

You all are letting America die from the inside out and it is a shame how poorly the SEC runs its business. Bullied by Hedgefunds and Banks only to Yes man your career away. Lets do something for America and it starts with addressing the Short Sellers that operate maliciously and pose national security threats to our country.

Coach Penn