Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Mindy McVay

March 25, 2022

I want a free market with True Transparency. These shorts and naked shorts need to be accounted for especially as naked shorting is illegal. We need greater accountability for Illegal activity on the stock market. We can no longer allow Banks, Market Makers, Hedge Funds and politicians to collude in the shadows of Dark Pools and use algorithmic trading to manipulate our markets anymore. This has been a huge issue for multiple decades and if America is to retain the right to call our markets \"free\" then we need to actually monitor and regulate our market as well as the dtcc, nscc,otcc and the sec. We also need to stop our politicians from insider stock trades and accepting lobbying bribes in the name of Speaker fees and offers of employment after their government serves is done. If we do not take these issues seriously, we will no longer have the trust of both institutional investors and retail investors, foreign and local. They will no longer invest their money in our markets and our economy will fall. Please peel these parasites off the heartbeat of our nation and actually prosecute them and put them in jail. They have gotten away with too much already. The only thing to big to fail is our nation and if we do not cleanse our markets of these criminals, that is exactly what will happen.