Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Matthew Patrick Brady
Affiliation: Retail Investor

March 21, 2022

As a retail investor watching blatant market manipulation in GME over the past year+, (PFOF brokers turning off the buy button just to start things off),every single bit of transparency that is possible needs to be brought to bear against the opaque, manipulatory tactics of market makers and short hedge funds.

They manipulate dark pools. They borrow shares they never intend to pay for. They evade taxes by leaving positions open and instead using them as leverage. They have our entire markets at great risk of default. They trade ahead of retail orders. Offer PFOF so they can internalize orders and organize them as they see fit. They send only what they like to lit exchanges to make the markets move how THEY want it to move.

Your job is to make sure the market is a real market, not a racket for crime syndicates posing as investment funds, banks and brokers.

The fact you have to buy your own coffee at the SEC offices should tell me all I need to know about how underpowered and underprepared you are as an organization to take on the crimes of the wealthy. Just remember- no matter how much you overlook, no matter how much you fail to regulate, monitor and enforce--you're never getting in their club so you mine as well join the one club that allows you to keep your dignity intact--the non-sociopathic humans club. Thank you.