Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Spencer

March 14, 2022

I am writing to let you, the person reading this comment, that we (yes, you me, your parents and family) are in a fraudulent system. Naked short selling is destroying free and fair markets when systems like Payment for Order Flow skim off the top of my trades. How can I trust the the stocks I buy from a broken are even real when Naked shorting exists?

I have a cost basis in my ComputerShare account for the stock ticker GME. ComputerShare is the Direct Registration Agent for GameStop's stock and they hold the shares in my name. They are not helped in the DTCC's street named smoke and mirror broker account.

The cost basis of my direct registered shares are not what I paid for at TDAmeritrade. The cost basis also shows the stocks where purchased by me 15 days before I signed up for an account and made my first trade (of my life, mind you... not just first trade with this broker).

Additionally and the costs basis shows a price that the stock did not reach until 17 days later. The stocks took weeks to locate and transfer away from the broker just to show up broken. I strongly suspect that GameStop has been illegally naked shorted for a very long time. I have attached screen shots of both my ComputerShare account, TDAmeritrade account, and the historical price of GameStop around those events. The screens shots have been marked up in the Windows \"snippet\" tool to highlight various things on the screen shots. Please contact me with any questions and I'd be happy to provide the actual pdf's, unmodified upon request. I'm not hiding any offshore deep out of the money put options on GME for Jan 2023 on my books, after all.

Below is a link to a github repository. If someone technical is on staff, have them look into this. It's a custom algo written by the authors (I'm not affiliated) that discovers and bundles up Failures to Deliver on companies across the stock market. Have a look at the top 20 list when you get it to work. It isn't just GameStop. They are doing it market wide and have been doing it for decades.

Doesn't this feel wrong to you? How can I expect my children to survive in a world where I have to sniff out a crime ridden system and report on it so the SEC can go stop it, maybe? He doesn't stand a chance and he's just learning how to read right now. Primary school doesn't teach you about rigged markets. Primary school teaches you that cops protect the innocent instead of shooting first and asking the wrong questions later, if at all and that the financial world has been designed as a meat grinder specifically formulated to drain your money up the chain and leave you holding the bag when it fails.

Are you really going to bail out the companies who are responsible for this? That's what you, me and your family and their friends etc.. are going to do. The TAXPAYER is what backs up all the FEDERAL RESERVE money printing. You and me. The COVID stimulus was enough to put my son's generation into debt and he's not even old enough to spell debt because it has a silent b in it. This is not the way. We have to stop this now.

Naked shorting is not a way for the market to \"police itself\" and there are no positive examples that can be pointed to where shorting in general is a good thing. You are betting on something failing. Just don't bet then. Because when you bet something is going to fail you will do what you can to make it fail and that is what these criminals and market makers are doing.

Did you know that 80% of all the United States Dollars in circulation right now have been printed in the last 2 years? I'm not talking about replacement bills that the banks swap out when someone brings in two pieces taped together or one is missing a corner... I'm talking about HOW MANY dollars have been printed in the TOTAL USUABLE supply. They have printed 80% of our total supply in the last two years. Our dollars are worth nothing.

Inflation isn't a useable number and we know it. Yes, we know it. The numbers that matter are not in the calculation so the reported number of 7.9 is drastically low. China does that kinda shit, not us... but we do, I guess.

Personally, between you and me, that is... it's bullshit. Why does a CEO have to make 300 times what they overall workforce makes? Why do they have to make Billions in profit, as a company? My school is asking for donations of everything. I remember when it was just for school supplies like markers, chalk and the like... now they want food, coats, and clothing, school supplies, craft and art supplies, money, and volunteers. I like in a wealthier zip code, too

This can't continue. I know you see it, like some of us do. Please stop the criminals running Wall Street and take back our financial institutions so they may benefit before we are too late and resort to killing each other over what smoldering remains are left in their wake. They are ruining our infrastructure, what little social nets we have left, our forward facing research, and our children's future. What will it take to stand up to this?