Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: Software Engineer

March 14, 2022

Dear SEC,

In the introduction of your proposed rule (S7-18-21), you've mentioned the pros cons of short-selling. It seems pretty clear to me that it shouldn't be legal to sell something that you do not own.

Truthfully, the proposed rule is not enough, short selling should be banned from our \"free\" and \"fair\" market. Its been shown time and time again that short selling has been abused by Wall Street for decades and it is time to stop. No amount of short transparency is going to change the fact that it's not only immoral to bet against a public company, but it also paves the way for abuse and manipulation. If you have any ounce of respect for the American public, please propose a rule that bans short-selling, at least temporary.

PS: Don't get me started on Naked Short selling and dark pool abuse.

A concern foreign investor.