Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Bryan Houser

March 14, 2022

Over the last year of events that have taken place with the market and meme stocks. It has really worn on my belief that retail has a fair stake in the larger market. So much is clouded and made complicated to offset when retail gets burned. How can certain stocks have large percentages, sometimes majority of a days trading volume be done through shorting and dark pools? How is true a true price value to be found if buy orders are not effecting the price and demand of a stock? I have almost no interest in any further investing as I have no idea if any investment will be truely influenced by the actions of the company rather than shadey practices kept from the public that only serve market makers and other third parties. I should be able to invest in a company I believe is a good investment without having to worry about it dropping significantly on a constant basis on absolutely no news. There needs to be more transparency and simplification of the market for retail investors to benefit from investing rather than the groups behind the scenes that have a significant advantage with various knowledge, tricks, schemes, etc. the SEC is supposed to regulate the market, and there seems to be little done over the last year. The volatility in the market continues and we as retail investors are waiting for you, SEC, to do something about it.

Thank you.