Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Jonathan Cumpson
Affiliation: Software Engineer

March 14, 2022

I support increasing requirements in NMS short sale reporting requirements.

In my opinion all short sales should always be reported to the SEC - regardless of bona fide market maker or Reg SHO clause. And this change does not go far enough - monthly reports are far too for illegal and unscrupulous activity to be available, this should be required weekly if not daily.

I support this change, but encourage the SEC to consider requiring all short sales to be submitted daily, as they are unique in their risk profile: infinite.


Data storage for CAT is so much less expensive than the downturn that inevitably happens each time there is a downturn from market makers and derivative and short-selling abuse.

In this case, by inflating global equities by short selling, or selling derivatives that far exceed their intrinsic values.