Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: J.H. Nekkers

March 14, 2022


First of: As a private investor from the Netherlands i have to say i have lost faith in the way the US handles their markets. Most likely the corruption spreads far. As you may well know it seems that illegal naked short selling is the primary driver of the price, where the private investor is hurt.

Therefore any ruling which discloses any more information about a short position is most welcome.

If anything short selling should be banned all together. I goes against the heart of the system of entrepeneurship. You either support the company and go long on a stock, or you dont support the company and you just leave it and don't buy it. Simple as that.

I hope the SEC will do it's best and try to create a REAL FAIR market for everyone, and not just for the people in charge

Kind regards,