Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: concerned investor
Affiliation: self employed

March 13, 2022

i just wonder when, if HF are to continue to be allowed to short sell stocks without any penalty, then what is point to SEC's rules \"The Division of Trading and Markets establishes and maintains standards for fair, orderly, and efficient markets. The Division regulates the major securities market participants, including broker-dealers, self-regulatory organizations (such as stock exchanges, FINRA, and clearing agencies), and transfer agents.\"The whole system needs as penalty\" major fines and mandatory minimum jailtime of 30 days, no exceptions\" HF 's are gonna pick a ticker that CEO there donates large sums of donations to reelection of President, Senator, Representative that has major investment in that ticker, when pelosi catches wind that you did nothing, media gets story, other wallstreet exec's find out HF's picked there ticker to start manipulating, you won't have place to turn to. naked shorting illegal, still happening, PFOF is wrong. bernie madoff created the skimming technique , citidel said it was wrong, then, besides who made HF's the security police, brokers, marketmakers , banks, need to stay in their own lane, major conflict of interest , magical shares that appear outta thin air, seems that everyone is in on the scam of century, congress once again gonna bail you outta you doing you job. then taxpayers can vote them out next guy can come in fire top 10% employees across the board...just do your job, so DOJ can do theirs, ok...good, i feel better now, n u