Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Chris dixon
Affiliation: BSc Economics, Finance

March 13, 2022

Gamestop has exposed how corrupt the financial markets are. Blatant illegal naked shorting, blatant price manipulation, blatant price spoofing, blatant ladder attacks, blatant shills, blatant lying under oath.

I could go on. And what does the SEC do? Absolutely nothing. The DoJ are even worse. The rules don't mean anything when the relevant parties are committed not to enforcing them. Your organisations is so bankrupt of credibility after allowing all this illegal activity the past year, and long before, that you are ENTIRELY COMPLICIT in these crimes.

But who cares, as long as the revolving door between the SEC and 'market makers' remains open and frauds like GG can amass hundreds of millions of dollars then the system works as its intended to, right? Foxes in charge of the hen house.

In short the SEC need to be investigated. You are the ones supposed to be the ref, yet the game is rigged and you just laugh.

Create new rules to stop these oligarchs and financial terrorists like Ken Griffin from selling shares and not delivering them. Make fines meaningful and not just a cost of doing business. Make full transparency required and enforce meaningful punishments on criminals.

In short do your jobs already, the American stock market is a joke and it's your fault.