Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Connor McCormick

March 11, 2022

As a retail investor, I believe the system is in desperate need of transparency. Short interest needs to be published for all investors. Rehypothecation of shares leading to Failures to Deliver for not locating these securities needs to have serious repercussions for those participating in this predatory behavior. Instant delivery of a security is entirely possible and there is no need for a T-2 settlement date. These short positions are created without even attempting to locate a share creating synthetic short positions to run down the price of innovative companies for profit. Payment for Order Flow and Dark pools assist in this predatory behavior. Market makers with the ability to see and reroute buy orders to Dark Pools and sell orders to Lit markets slow positive price action for the short seller's benefit. Individuals at the helm of these companies responsible for these predatory behaviors need to be held accountable with serious enforcement. It is blatant fraud that needs to be met with action.
The stock market is one of the few places individuals can invest and build wealth. With all the manipulation and lack of transparency in the market, I do not feel I am protected as an investor. Something needs to change.