Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Robert Perkins
Affiliation: Cloud Architect

March 13, 2022

As a retail investor Im supportive of initiatives to further enhance short reporting, however the jig is up. The public knows the DTCC and all its participants practice a fractional reserve stock market. There are vastly more shares circulating under the guise of shorts and borrows and loans. The entire trust of the market has been shatter. Absolutely nobody trusts Wallstreet or the regulators at this point. They took the crime way too far and now its in the public eye. I URGE the commissions to force all participants ( broker dealers, clearing firms, market makers AND all DTCC subsidiaries) to disclose their total LONG and SHORT positions on any given day. The fact that brokers dont disclose how many shares of a particular security they are holding on behalf of clients is obviously an attempt to disguise the rooted systemic issues. I would wager the top 5 brokers alone holdings far exceed the majority of issuers issued floats. Give us the data, the markets need to be transparent. The DTCC has lost all credibility.