Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Anon

March 3, 2022

Shorting companies is anti-American. The \"American Dream\" is any person being able to work their way from rags to riches. Short selling practices allow institutions, who hold a majority of the wealth, devalue businesses as they see fit. The SEC has documented cases of this being used to destroy even the most humanitarian of ventures, as seen with their investigation into the firms and people responsible for the collapse of Dendreon. No business is safe from this abusive scheme, that is hidden under the guise of \"good for the economy.\" If it is so good for the economy then why did GME almost destroy the economy. Short sellers put the economy in jeopardy, but retail was blamed? Where is the Short and Distort investigation? The shorts even have the major indexes in their clutches

-A concerned bag holder of the US Economy