Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Concerned investor
Affiliation: Maintenance Tech

March 3, 2022

In regards to S7-08-22, greater transparency does little to nothing in regards to predatory practice's by hedge funds. For rule 13f-2 under background mentions \"identifying potentially abusive trading practices.\" Then mention short squeezes as an example. Short squeezes are one of the only ways retail can fight back against the same people that screwed America in 08'. The SEC has sat idly by for the past year and have done nothing to support the American market. Free, fair, and transparent is a joke in itself. Under the proposed ruling you also give a 14 day window. Essentially saying \"hey you've got T-14 to hide your crap and cook your books. I, as a concerned retail investor pray that the SEC and DOJ will do their jobs. Seems like some of our good \"whales\" will do it for you if not. Elon, Ryan Cohen, Patrick Bryne's, Mark Cuban. If our government agencies can't help us who can. I look forward to seeing how you combat predatory practices by multiple hedgefunds.