Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Anonymous
Affiliation: Market Analysis

March 1, 2022

Follow through on the following proposal will need to be proactively performed as well as getting rid of the rule allowing market makers to knowingly sell short without a borrow ending up with a FTD. Unfortunately, if there is no borrow, that security being shorted would actually not have a market as there is no shares to borrow so the market maker is not making the market they are the market unfortunately With many in this market over leveraged and no oversight and stress tests on the biggest financial institutions ,I find it a bit troubling that this is up for comment and not enforced ASAP. Giving the Financial Institutions many months for all these new guidelines is perpetuating them from being responsible. These rules need action, enforcement and moral commitment from the government. The things I have witnessed over a one year span gives me no faith in US Stock Exchange. How can one short a stock legal and not have to. Borrow? Become a market maker and tell the SEC you provide more liquidity in the market at certain times, remove the buy button, let your counter parts cover their shorts and have millions of FTD's that end up in the \"depository graveyard\" which will come to the public within the coming weeks. When you have index funds that look like penny stock I.e.IWM, that really shows the protection this market has over it. It is unprecedented that someone can short a stock without a borrow, hence naked short and be legal for market makers to do this. Please consider this in your rule change as well. It would eliminate the need for one to not only be a market maker, but they physically determine the market. It is very interesting how on Option days there is what is called pinning a stock or etf at a certain price for institutions/hedge funds to collect all that premium. If you look at any Friday option expectation date, I could physically tell you exactly where the price will end up. So, I have used this actually to profit, however others might not be so keen to understand how much of the mechanics work and have lost money. It really seems like a big kids play ground where billions of dollars a day are being used by really manipulate a market. When you have almost 50% of an index short, it only leads me to believe that I'm my opinion that there are many FTD that will just disappear and there will be no consequences for these action.
