Subject: File No. S7-08-22
From: Jacob Snyder

February 27, 2022

Disclosure and auditing of activity involving short positions of securities has been widespread in public forums over the past year. I believe it speaks volumes that so many people are getting engaged in the regulation process because of their disapproval of the extent (or lack thereof) regulatory bodies currently practice. After reading over the rule proposal I agree there are significant gaps in disclosure of short positions and shorting activity. This allows opportunity to contort and deceive the rules and laws in place to prevent fraudulent activity from occurring. I believe the SEC requires more robust funding to serve as an appropriate watchdog and enforcer of the financial markets. This has become painfully obvious after seeing online forums serve as watchdogs to prevent massive institutions that are often deeply entrenched with the market structure from potentially committing fraud to unfairly leverage their bets. The rule lauds itself on providing more transparency to market activity which is one of my key values as a US citizen and participant in the market.