Subject: File No. S7-08-20
From: john fattes

July 28, 2020

When professional money managers say they want their work available to the public, you can bet you are going in the wrong direction. 90% of those reporting today would not have to report using your new Rule. So, your case for transparency is what exactly? And is this just a hunch or do you have good data and good analysis to show your conclusions which you are willing to subject to outside review to, for example, the GAO? My guess is this rule is for the benefit of 45 and his family and friends because we know just how transparent they are. If they don't have to report anything, then they can't he held accountable, another one of 45's disturbing attributes. Don't take this the wrong way, I believe the SEC has an important mission. You just choose not to attain it and this proposed rule is a perfect example.