Subject: File No. S7-08-20
From: jeremy Cloyd
Affiliation: Computer scientist

July 15, 2020

The justification for the rule change is highly questionable.
When is less transparency and less data ever a good thing for the small investor?

Raising the reporting threshold to such a high number will reduce public companies' opportunity to know more about who their shareholders are.

Some investors may want to avoid over-owned stocks, believing they have a high level of risk. This rule change greatly reduces individual investors ability to reduce their risk.

In the event of a significant correction the number of reporting managers would be diminished even further. The SP suffered a 56.4% decline during the 2007-2009 financial crisis. A similar event using the most recent quarter as an example, would have reduced the number of funds by another 31% at a time when such data is needed even more.