Subject: File No. S7-08-20
From: Rhys Spierkel

July 16, 2020

The theatre of American business and innovation is a show that makes this nation stand out more than any other. All of the worlds valiant workers and innovators keep one eye fixed to the United States as they pursuit their careers, both in jealously and preparation. Any individual who sacrifices in both conservation and daring, wisely, will justly earn their due in Americas, vertically. The act of business and finance in the United States is a spectacle of this nations greatest qualities: equality, justice, honour. Laws producing opacity between the markets and the majority of investors in the world will only drum up mystery and anxiety. Investors trust the American markets because they know no one is allowed to cheat (at least not for long or without recompense). I plead, do not collar the curtains on the greatest American theatre of all.