Subject: Comments on S7-08-20 - Reporting Threshold for Institutinal Investment Managers
From: Nathan B

Aug. 20, 2023

Dear SEC, 

I am writing in OPPOSITION to rule S7-08-20 which would change the reporting threshold for institutional investment managers, and I am in favor of keeping the current $100M rule for 13F reporting or lowering it to $50M. 

Adjusting this rule only helps large institutional money cut costs and hide potentially nefarious actions.    It doesn’t protect the general public in any way.   Please help the general public keep an eye on our institutions.  The government’s job is to protect it’s citizens.   This change only helps the large investment institutions hide potentially fraudulent or risky activities. 
More transparency is always better for individual investors and the markets as a whole, so please reject this proposal. 

Thank you, 

Nathan Barron, Concerned Investor