Subject: Threshold list
From: Ken H.

Mar. 1, 2023

Amc has been on the tthreshold list for over 18 days. According to your rules shares have to be closed out. Why isnt this happening? We have to play by the rules but no one else does. Naked shorting, spoofing, darkpools are all intended to help the MM. They steal money from  
us and tell us the market is fair for everyone. What's worse the SEC turns a blind eye to these activities. How are we supposed to trust the people who are supposed to be protecting the individual investor? When you can put 90% of shares in the dark pool it kills any momentum a stock may have. Spoofing is illegal but I saw a 100,000 share spoof after closing. I know no one will read this and this is an exercise in futility but I am still trying.  Gary G. Said to send in complaints so they could be voiced.