Subject: S7-08-20: WebForm Comments from Mulligan, Tim
From: Tim Mulligan

Sep. 29, 2020

Subject: File No. S7-08-20
   From: Tim Mulligan

   September 29, 2020

   Dear SEC Commissioners,
   I write regarding the proposed new rule raising the threshold for 13F
   filings from $100 million to $3.5 billion.
   My question - why stop at $3.5 billion? Why not $3.5 trillion?
   I jest, of course.
   It's another example of regulatory capture by the Republican-appointed
   You're kowtowing to big money - exactly the opposite of your mission.
   At least you're transparent about it. Nothing subtle here.If you have
   money, the Republican-appointed commissioners at the SEC are "For
   Stop the shenanigans. Go read your mission statement. Kill this
   stupid, proposed rule.
   With the greatest amusement at your blatant sycophancy (yea, it's a
   real work, I looked it up) kindest regards,
   Mr. A. Small Investor