Subject: S7-08-20: WebForm Comments from Mannaa, Hisham
From: CFA Hisham Mannaa

Sep. 28, 2020

Comments of H. Mannaa on S7-08-20

   Subject: File No. S7-08-20
   From: Hisham Mannaa, CFA

   September 28, 2020

   The original purpose of the 13(f) disclosure is stated below. I
   believe the current proposal to increase the threshold of reporting
   runs against every one of the three key reasons for the creation of
   the 13(f). It obscures data and reduces the investor confidence in the
   integrity of the US Markets.

   The section 13(f) disclosure program had three primary goals. First,
   to create a central repository of historical and current data about
   the investment activities of institutional investment managers.
   Second, to improve the body of factual data available regarding the
   holdings of institutional investment managers and thus facilitate
   consideration of the influence and impact of institutional investment
   managers on the securities markets and the public policy implications
   of that influence. Third, to increase investor confidence in the
   integrity of the U.S. securities markets