Subject: S7-08-20: WebForm Comments from Turner, Chris
From: Chris Turner

Sep. 28, 2020

Comments of C. Turner on S7-08-20

   Subject: File No. S7-08-20
   From: Chris Turner

   September 28, 2020

   To the proponents of tighter regulation via 13F:
   Why do you think anyone owes you ANY transparency? Your request is
   completely anti-capitalist and undermines the whole concept of
   investment. You want to know what other people are buying so you can
   know what to buy? That's not investing, that's speculation and copying
   and admission you don't have an original idea. You are also forcing
   the government to spend taxpayer money to review all those filers. You
   and your entitlement-minded buddies would find work in socialist
   economies very appealing.
   Also hurts the consumer/investor bc the filers pass on those
   administrative costs to the consumer/investor. Sorry for you if you
   can't front run us. 45 days is too soon. Should be never. See earlier
   comment on your lack of original ideas. Zero proof that anti-13F =
   another Madoff.
   Maybe companies could garner bigger amounts of necessary capital from
   larger investors if the larger investor didn't have to reveal their
   hand. Those who push for heavier 13F regulation are thereby hindering
   further investment.
   If idea sharing is going to happen anyway, then you don't need the
   None of your business if the costs are negligible, not your money.
   Why do companies need to know who their shareholder base is unless
   their going to issue more shares, thereby diluting the existing
   shareholders? Besides, this is mostly a secondary market. The money
   buying stocks is not going to the company except in the IPO's or
   secondary issues.
   This is not about buying the shares in the primary markets.
   Allison Lee doesn't get to speak for the tax payers. $100 is too much.
   What is the political make up of the respondents? Who are they? What
   type of investor? If we have to be qualified investors, are they
   qualified responders?
   Retail investors are blindly copying investors based on 13F filings
   without doing their own due diligence, thereby the 13F influences and
   enables reckless behavior with additional unnecessary volatility.

   The SEC already has its hands full chasing down fraud. Why tie up
   employees to review 13F files?

   Very un-American.

   Free the Money. Free the Investor. Free the People