Subject: S7-08-20
From: Yuval Kahan

Jul. 27, 2020

The proposal does not make perfect sense. 
I will address a number of things: 
1. Inflation - Inflation has risen 5 times and not 30 times, if it makes sense to rise then raise it to $ 500 million. 
2. Loss of transparency - In the American market recently there has been a loss of transparency for investors as a result of your actions, the Indian market is already slowly starting to rise above your level of transparency. 
3. Important information - there is a huge loss of information for the small investor who can not obtain such quality information, this is the highest quality information that the small investor can have - there is no substitute for this even though there are many sites that offer analyzes. 
4. Industry Around - Today there are hundreds of sites and thousands of people who make a living from providing information about these funds 
5. I will finish and repeat it - Loss of transparency Loss of transparency Loss of transparency - The American market will lose transparency - Regarding investments in the capital market This is the most important thing there is, this is what will prevent the next madoff.